Attracting Customers in L.A.
Attracting customers to your business can be quite a difficult task. Once you’ve managed to bring in potential customers, you begin to realize that it is only half the challenge. Now you need to convert those potential customers into buyers. With right sales training, you can turn shoppers into buyers in no time.
Prospective customers tend to show interest in your products, but do not actually buy the products. This means there is something still lacking. Sales training can help your LA sales representatives to figure out the problems, and address customers in the right way to make a sale.
Tips for Reeling in Potential Buyers
Stand in their shoes: Understand your customers and figure out why they’re not buying. Perhaps they think the lines are too long, items that they like are out of stock or not available in their size, they’re not getting sales assistance, or they do not like the products on display. Observe the customers for sometime and you’ll find hints about what is turning them away from making a purchase.
Showcase your unique selling points: Identify what sets you apart from your competitors, and sell that point above everything else. If you specialize in particular events, offer better prices, have more variety in your stock, or have something exclusive that no one else has, make sure that your customers know about it. If they feel that they might not be able to get these products anywhere else, they’re more likely to buy now.
Engage in conversation: The old question “May I help you?” usually leads to a response of “No thank you, I’m just looking around”. It is better for your staff to offer to show the customer around, bring them the latest stock, or more options. The right sales training can help your staff to engage customers and convince them to make a purchase.